Ozonated Swimming Pool vs Chlorinated Swimming Pool

Swimming 2020 vs 2021

During the pandemic, during these uncertain times, as we call them, many of us have been unable to get out of the house.  During the summer of 2020, lucky people swam for exercise and recreation. Public pools closed down, and some enjoyed their time with their own pools. Those fun times in the pool also brought a sense of family bonding. Along comes 2021 and threatens to take away the luxury of a private pool.


swimming pool empty

Demand and Shortage Combined for 2021

What is the threat? Well, it's no secret. There is a chlorine shortage. Last August, Hurricane Laura hit. So BioLab warehouse, a chlorine plant in Lake Charles, Louisiana caught fire. And, after last year's increase in demand, due to so many home pools, for chlorine, this year, expect a shortage. A shortage of summer fun for some.


Price of Chlorine

According to Popular Mechanics, chlorine will increase in price by 70 percent. So, they say, the average 50-pound bucket of chlorine will skyrocket from $75 to $140 and $158 soon.

Do a search on Google Shopping or amazon.com, if you wish to see for yourself. Chlorine for pools has already gone up in price as pool owners are getting ready for the season.

Swimming in pool

Ozone in Swimming Pools

But not everyone will suffer this summer. Some people already have a swimming pool that uses an ozone generator. They know the effect ozone has on the inground pool swimming experience.

The Ozonated Pool Swimming Experience

We at A2Z Ozone hear the stories about how nice an ozonated pool is to swim in. A few things to consider about ozone:

  • Ozone does not irritate the eyes
  • Ozone does not fade swimwear.
  • Hair does not turn green, dry, and brittle with ozone.
  • Skin feels supple with ozone.

The entire swimming experience is a refreshing one!

Albert Noroozi, Head Engineer and CEO of A2Z Ozone had a chance to swim in an ozonated pool himself. He says, "Swimming in ozone is the best experience. It is nothing like a chlorine pool."

Health Factors

Also to consider are the health factors of chlorine.

  • It will dry out skin and hair
  • Can turn hair a greenish tint
  • Can cause respiratory problems
  • Can cause tooth erosion.

It is quite common to sneeze in the pool. Fifty to 65 percent of competitive swimmers suffer from respiratory issues that cause sneezing. Compare that to 29 to 36 percent in the general population, Olivia McKelvey wrote about in Swimming World Magazine. She found these figures from two expert studies. One of these studies was from Ernest Blatchley, and another was from Dr. Alfred Bernard.

Killing Virus, Bacteria, Giardia, and Cryptosporidium

Did you know that ozone is a good oxidizer and will destroy viruses and bacteria? It also kills chlorine-resistant parasites such as giardia and cryptosporidium, according to Joan M. Shields in the National Center for Biotechnology Information.

The Decision for Ozone vs Chlorine 

So, ozone sounds like the perfect solution. Is it right for you?

Argument for Ozone

Like everything else, there are pros and cons.

  1. Ozone generator reduce the amount of maintenance you need to do to your pool.
  2. Ozone removes odors from water.
  3. Ozone is effective at reducing chloramines--what happens to chlorine when it comes in contact with ammonia.
  4. And, it is an inexpensive solution, which this season, carries a lot of weight in the industry.

Cons of Ozone

The cons, of course, also contribute to the decision to switch to an ozonator.

  1. Ozone is toxic if you breathe it in. (Keep in mind, chlorine is toxic, too.)
  2. Ozone generators are not recognized as a sole way of sanitizing a pool by most governments. An example is the Indiana State Department of Health, How to Shock the Pool.
  3. Indiana State Department of Health suggests that ozone is effective in reducing chloramines, but cannot be used without another disinfectant.
  4. Ozone providers are harder to find than those that use chlorine. 


Recommended Use of Chlorine with Ozone

A2Z Ozone recommends using much less chlorine than what a typical pool requires. Also, most places have rules to add chlorine when using ozone. Contact your pool professional to get the proper levels added to your pool.
Another important point is to test your water for proper levels of ozone and chlorine.

"Please follow your state's regulations on using the minimum amount of chlorine, which is usually between 0.5 to 2 ppm when using ozone. Algaecide 60 will help the performance of the ozone because it will reduce the amount of chlorine. It will take care of algae, and still let you have the ozone swimming experience. When using the algaecide 60, please follow the manufacturer's recommendation for the amount based on the pool size," Albert says. He bases these levels on knowledge acquired from using ozone and findings of the CDC, U.S. EPA, and other sources of the state and federal regulations. "I also recommend a mixing degas vessel for ozone systems,"  Albert says. Keep in mind, pools that only use chlorine keep their chlorine levels at 3 or 4 ppm, according to CDC. 


Ozone Generator size for swimming pool

Your Family, Your Decision

The bottom line is that a home swimming pool takes thought. Are you even willing or able to monitor a swimming pool? Understand first your family's needs and desires in an afternoon swimming experience. Are the illnesses that chlorine can cause prevalent in your home? Do you desire the clean, fresh swimming experience that ozone produces? Whichever you choose, involve a pool professional in the decision. Note, some pool professionals are resistant to new ideas. If you wish to switch to ozone, find a professional who will work to accomplish your goals. 

SP-3G Swimming Pool Ozone Generator

SP-3G Swimming Pool Ozone Generator

Please, tell your pool professional about us! A2Z Ozone sells Swimming Pool Ozone Generators. With a home pool, you are more than likely going to choose the SP-3G. A2Z Ozone also supplies Ozone-resistant PVDF venturi injectors and manifolds. Our product line also includes check valves, ozone check strips, and silica air dryers.




Delbert, Caroline. "There's a Massive Chlorine Shortage Coming This Summer. Here's What You Should Do." Popular Mechanics. 6 May 2021.  https://www.popularmechanics.com/home/lawn-garden/a36322528/chlorine-shortage-summer-2021/

Bomey, Nathan and Golde, Eli. "Chlorine shortage leads to price increases for swimming pool owners after factory fire." USA TODAY and The Gainseville Sun. 1 May 2021. "https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2021/05/01/chlorine-shortage-2021-pool-chlorine-prices-bio-lab/4904034001/

La Monica, Paul R. "Chlorine shortage may be bad news for pools this summer." CNN Business. CNN. 1 May 2021. https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/01/economy/chlorine-shortage-swimming-pools/index.html

McKelvey, Olivia "The Silent Assassin: Is Chlorine Hurting Swimmers More than it is Helping?" Swimming World Magazine. Swimming World. 7 Dec. 2020. https://www.swimmingworldmagazine.com/news/the-silent-assassin-is-chlorine-hurting-swimmers-more-than-it-is-helping-them/

Miller, Brandon. "16 Pros and Cons of an Ozone Pool System." Green Garage. 23 Sept. 2019. https://greengarageblog.org/16-pros-and-cons-of-an-ozone-pool-system

Indiana State Department of Health. Environmental Public Health. How to Shock the Pool (Chlorinate to Breakpoint) Page 1 and 5.  https://www.in.gov/isdh/files/How_To_Shock_The_Pool.pdf

2011. Environmental Protection Agency. Water Treatment Manual: Disinfection. Pages 67 to 73. https://www.epa.ie/pubs/advice/drinkingwater/Disinfection2_web.pdf

Stratton, Hal. Chair. U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. "Chapter 14 - Residential Swimming Pools and Spas." https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/publications/books/housing/cha14.htm  

Shields, Joan M., Gleim, Elizabeth R., and Beach, Michael J. "Prevalence of Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia intestinalis in Swimming Pools, Atlanta, Georgia." NCBI 14 Jun. 2008. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2600305/ kills parasites

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